Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Verb exam June 4, 2019

000 Latin II Verbs: exam June 2019 - FINAL VERSION


000 Latin II Verbs: exam June 2019 - FINAL VERSION -Megan Nelson

Lataisha: : retake verb test 
000 Latin II Verbs: exam June 2019 - FINAL VERSION

Cammy retake verb test

Tyler retake verb test





000 Latin II Make up exam June 5 2019

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Week of June 3

Monday, June 3

NM.CLL.2.2 Understand the meaning of memorized words and phrases in sentences.
NM.CLL.2.3 Generalize short fiction and non-fiction passages about familiar topics in the target language, using context clues (signs, charts, graphs, etc.).
NM.CLL.2.4 Infer conclusions from simple spoken and written passages about familiar topics, using context clues and cognates.
NM.CLL.2.5 Understand language components (stems, prefixes, tones, verb endings, parts of 
speech) that are used in the target language.
NM.CLL.3.3 Use appropriate pronunciation and voice inflection in spoken presentations.
Recognize English cognates in Latin text and use them to deduce word meanings.

Objectives: Review verbs in preparation for exam. Continue reading aloud Eurydice: fabula amoris and completing reading guides. 

EQ. What kinds of things do you have to keep in mind when conjugating or deciding the meaning of a verb?

  • To what conjugation does it belong and how do you tell?
  • How are the different tenses formed? The stem, the rules the endings?
  • What are the principal parts?
00 Eurydice fabula amoris - VERBS. Review of Eurydice with attention to verbs.

Review Quiz results.

Independent and collaborative: work on reading guides for Eurydice and/or elective story.

Link to Quizizz 50 most important verbs part I


Tuesday June 4

Test: see blog entry for tests. Add Link to Quizizz 50 most important verbs part I

Reading guides and independent reading.


Make-up Test: see blog entry for tests. Add Link to Quizizz 50 most important verbs part I

Reading guides and independent reading.  Review student progress. Help with corrections. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Week of May 28

Tuesday, May28

NM.CLL.2.2 Understand the meaning of memorized words and phrases in sentences.
NM.CLL.2.3 Generalize short fiction and non-fiction passages about familiar topics in the target language, using context clues (signs, charts, graphs, etc.).
NM.CLL.2.4 Infer conclusions from simple spoken and written passages about familiar topics, using context clues and cognates.
NM.CLL.2.5 Understand language components (stems, prefixes, tones, verb endings, parts of 
speech) that are used in the target language.
NM.CLL.3.3 Use appropriate pronunciation and voice inflection in spoken presentations.
Recognize English cognates in Latin text and use them to deduce word meanings.

Objectives: Review verbs in preparation for exam. Continue reading aloud Eurydice: fabula amoris and completing reading guides. 

EQ. What kinds of things do you have to keep in mind when conjugating or deciding the meaning of a verb?

  • To what conjugation does it belong and how do you tell?
  • How are the different tenses formed? The stem, the rules the endings?
  • What are the principal parts?

Study this Quizlet set on Most Important Latin Verbs Part I

Then show how well you have learned them by taking this Quizizz

Read aloud with Q & A next chapter of Eurydice: fabula amoris.

Reading guides (independent)

Quizlet Live: 50 most important Latin verbs - first 24

Prepare for lunch room presentation.
Wednesday May 29

Objectives: Review key verbs. Continue with Eurydice: fabula amoris. Introduce Gluck's opera Orfeo ed Eurydice. 

Bellwork: 50 most important Latin verbs part 2, 14 questions. Note 11-14 are multiple correct question. The rest are multiple choice.
50 Most Important Latin Verbs part 2 -practice and review

Read aloud with Q & A next chapter of Eurydice: fabula amoris.

Wednesday: Gluck's opera Orfeo et Euridice

Christof von Gluck - revolutionized opera, making it more theatrical, dramatic and musically experimental.
Country of Birth: Germany
Year of Birth: 1714
Year of Death: 1787

Play sections from opera while students they work on reading guides.

Homework: reading guides; review 50 most important Latin verbs in Quizlet.

Frequently missed irregular verbs:
eo, ire
volo, velle
volo, velle (take two)
nolo, nolle nolui

May 30 Thursday


50 most important verbs part 3   You may take this unlimited times; use your mistakes as a compass to focus on what you don't know well, questions you have and the reasoning that will lead you to the correct answer. If you cheat, you may get a high grade on this pre-test but you will be woefully prepared for the final verb test.

Review results

Finish reading Eurydice fabula amoris

Reading guides
Friday May 31

00 Verbs Final Exam 2019 Spring - Verb pre-test. Practice set 04

Latin tutorials to review verbs for verb part of exam on Tuesday, June 4. Don't skip these:

Present tense

Imperfect tense

Perfect tense

Future tense

Principal Parts of Verbs


Verb infinitives (second principal part)

Irregular verb sum, esse, fui

Irregular Verb possum, posse, potui

Irregular Verb volo, velle, volui; nolo and malo.

Irregular Verb eo, ire, ivi (ii)

Irregular Verb fero, ferre, tuli, latus

Homework: use the pre-tests, videos and other resources posted in blog this week to study for verb test Tuesday.    Reading guides.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Week of May 20

NM.CLL.2.2 Understand the meaning of memorized words and phrases in sentences.
NM.CLL.2.3 Generalize short fiction and non-fiction passages about familiar topics in the target language, using context clues (signs, charts, graphs, etc.).
NM.CLL.2.4 Infer conclusions from simple spoken and written passages about familiar topics, using context clues and cognates.
NM.CLL.2.5 Understand language components (stems, prefixes, tones, verb endings, parts of 
speech) that are used in the target language.
NM.CLL.3.3 Use appropriate pronunciation and voice inflection in spoken presentations.
Recognize English cognates in Latin text and use them to deduce word meanings.
Monday May 20

Objective: Continue reading and completing reading guides for Eurydice fabula amoris, focusing on verb forms.

EQ: What are the endings of imperfect verbs?

Verb chart: conjugating the perfect tense

Students declare what text is going to be their independent reading text. Check reading guides for Eurydice fabula amoris.  First period: 1-4; second period 1-3.

Vocabulary: First period vocabulary for Chapters 5-6 Eurydice; second period Chapters 3-4 Eurydice.

Whole class: Read aloud with Q & A. First period Chapter 5; second period Chapter 4.

These are long chapters. Pause midway to allow students to begin reading guide (10 minutes) 

Independent: reading guides.

Exit ticket: declensions of quaerens, quarentis (seeking) and  faciens, facientis (making or doing) . Decline the participles quaerens, quaerentis and faciens, facientis.  Participles are declined as 3rd declension adjectives. They can function in a sentence as either adjectives or nouns (substantives) Copy correct forms into notebooks.


faciens         facientes       facientia
facientis       facientium
facienti        facientibus
facientem    facientes         facientia
faciente/i        facientibus

Note: the ablative singular has an -e if it is a noun; an -i if it is an adjective

Homework: Study ocabulary in Quizlet 3-4 Eurydice and Chapters 5-6 Eurydice.  Read and complete a reading guide for one of your elective texts.

May 21 Tuesday

Objective: Continue reading and completing reading guides for Eurydice fabula amoris, focusing on verb forms.

EQ: How do you find the stem of perfect verbs and what endings do you add to them?

01-04 Vocabulary Eurydice fabula amoris

Whole class: Read aloud with Q & A. First period Chapter 6; second period Chapter 5.

These are long chapters. Pause midway to allow students to begin reading guide (10 minutes) 

Independent: reading guides.

Exit ticket: Draw a picture or two that illustrates this scene; or you may translate it: 
in terram spectavi et unum amicum vidi. serpentem parvum vidi. serpentem vidi et arisi (I smiled) sed serpentem terrui. serpens me momordit (bit) in terram cecidi.

Homework: Study vocabulary in Quizlet: Chapters 5-6 Eurydice. Study the irregular verbs sum and eo:
Quizlet set on eo, ire "to go"

Quizlet set on sum, esse "to be"

Wednesday May 22

Objective: Review irregular verbs sum, esse, fui and eo, ire, ii or ivi, itus. Continue with Eurydice fabula amoris.

EQ: Can you identify all irregular verbs in today's reading?

Bellwork for Latin II first period
Review for five minutes vocabulary for chapter 05 and 06
Take quiz: 05-06 Vocabulary Euridice fabula amoris
Bellwork for Latin II 2nd period:
Review Quizlet sets:
Quizlet set on eo, ire "to go"
Quizlet set on sum, esse "to be"

Then take this quiz in Quia
Irregular verbs sum and eo

Whole class: Read aloud with Q & A. First period Chapter 7; second period Chapter 6.

These are long chapters. Pause midway to allow students to begin reading guide (10 minutes) 

Independent: reading guides. List perfect tense verbs on backside of reading guide.

Exit ticket: show three completed reading guides. Check identification of perfect tense verbs.

Homework: study vocabulary for Eurydice 07-08
Thursday May 23
No students due to awards ceremony
-------------------------------------- Friday May 24

Objective: Build reading fluency and practice irregular verb conjugations

EQ.  Are you attending carefully to the grammar of your Latin sentences on the reading guides? Example: If a character says "volo" (I want) you need to change the verb in your sentence to"vult" (s/he wants). 

Latin II First Period; Study vocabulary for Chapters 07-08 in Quizlet. (8 minutes).  Review with students new constructions.

Latin II Second period
Bellwork for Latin II 2nd period:
Review Quizlet sets:
Quizlet set on eo, ire "to go"
Quizlet set on sum, esse "to be"

Then take this quiz in Quia
Irregular verbs sum and eo


Whole class: Read aloud with Q & A. First period Chapter 7; second period Chapter 6.

These are long chapters. Pause midway to allow students to begin reading guide (10 minutes) 

Independent: reading guides. List perfect tense verbs on backside of reading guide.

Latin II First period: quiz on vocabulary 07-08 (paper handout)

Sunday, May 12, 2019

May 13 Pluto fabula amoris conclusion

NM.CLL.2.2 Understand the meaning of memorized words and phrases in sentences.
NM.CLL.2.3 Generalize short fiction and non-fiction passages about familiar topics in the target language, using context clues (signs, charts, graphs, etc.).
NM.CLL.2.4 Infer conclusions from simple spoken and written passages about familiar topics, using context clues and cognates.
NM.CLL.2.5 Understand language components (stems, prefixes, tones, verb endings, parts of 
speech) that are used in the target language.
NM.CLL.3.3 Use appropriate pronunciation and voice inflection in spoken presentations.
Recognize English cognates in Latin text and use them to deduce word meanings.

Objective: conclude Pluto fabula amoris and complete reading guide.
EQ. Are you reading each paragraph twice in Latin before you attempt to translate?  Do you recognize that if you read a passage twice in Latin you can arrive at the basic meaning of a text without word-for-word translation?

By the end of class tomorrow you must have completed all reading guides for Pluto fabula amoris and submitted your group's playlist for each chapter.

Your next reading with be Eurydice fabula amoris.  This text sticks more closely to the original Greek and Roman myths that Pluto fabula amoris did. The chapters alternate between Eurydice speaking and Orpheus speaking.  Your well-done and meticulous reading guides for the eight chapters of this story will count as 1/3 of your exam grade.

Read first the summary of the myth by Edith Hamilton.

Over the next weeks you will also read independently or as a collaborative group another of the voluntary reading texts and complete reading guides for each chapter. This will count as another 1/3 of your exam grade. 

The last 1/3 of your exam grade will be a test delivered through Quia that will focus mainly on verbs and verb forms.

Latin II, first period: your "elective text" is Familia Mala.

Second period students can choose from any of the novellas on the cart in the classroom and available as pdfs in Google Classroom.  Each text is described in Google Classroom. 

Homework: Read the summary of the Orpheus and Eurydice myth by Edith Hamilton.  Study the vocabulary for Orpheus and Eurydice Chapters 1-2 in Quizlet.

Tuesday May 14

Objective: Students complete all reading guides for Pluto fabula amoris and present playlists.

EQ: How did (or did) creating a playlist encourage you to look more closely at the plot and characters in the story? [Ask for examples when students present]

Bellwork: Vocabulary Quiz
07-08 Pluto Fabula Amoris

Whole group: Read aloud and translate Chapter 08 Pluto fabula amoris

Playlist presentation group 1.

Wednesday May 15

Objective: Read, understand and complete the reading guide for Chapter 1 of Orpheus and Eurydice.

EQ. The verbs in this chapter are both imperfect and perfect. Can you recognize which is which?

Bellwork: Quizlet live Review vocabulary set 01
Quizlet live Review vocabulary set 02

Direct and guided: Whole group reading and translation of Chapter 1 with Quizlet.

Collaborative and independent. Complete reading guide for Chapter 1.

Distribute independent reading texts; download independent readings to iPad. Your iPad must be up to date, as well as your Google Classroom. 

Homework: Study the vocabulary for Orpheus and Eurydice Chapters 1-2 in Quizlet.  Start reading your elective novella.

Thursday May 16

Objective: Guide students in recognizing the variety of verbs and verb tenses that make Eurydice slightly harder than Pluto. Explain handout on subjunctive mood.

EQ. What does Latin mean by the "mood of verbs"?

Bellwork: Quiz on Eurydice fabula amoris vocabulary quiz
01-02 Eurydice Vocabulary Quiz

Vocabulary for 03-o4 Eurydice

Whole class (direct and guided) Read aloud and translate Chapter 03. 

Independent or collaborative: Reading guide Chapter 02

Students choose an independent reading text. 

Homework: Finish reading guides for Chapter 1-2. Review vocabulary. 

Friday May 17

Objective: Read Chapter 3 Eurydice fabula amoris; continue focusing on verbs: stem, tense endings.

EQ. How do we determine verb tenses?

Bellwork:  Review Edith Hamilton's version of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice.  

Assessment: Quizizz quiz on English version of myth.

Whole class (direct and guided): read Chapter 3 with Q & A.

Complete reading guide for Chapter 03-04

Homework: read at least one chapter of your chosen free reading text and complete one reading guide. You must complete 4 reading guides for your chosen book by the end of the quarter: one for the first chapter, one for the last chapter and two others of chapters you choose.

Monday, May 6, 2019

06 May Week Pluto fabula amoris

Monday May 06

NM.CLL.2.2 Understand the meaning of memorized words and phrases in sentences.
NM.CLL.2.3 Generalize short fiction and non-fiction passages about familiar topics in the target language, using context clues (signs, charts, graphs, etc.).
NM.CLL.2.4 Infer conclusions from simple spoken and written passages about familiar topics, using context clues and cognates.
NM.CLL.2.5 Understand language components (stems, prefixes, tones, verb endings, parts of 
speech) that are used in the target language.
NM.CLL.3.3 Use appropriate pronunciation and voice inflection in spoken presentations.
Recognize English cognates in Latin text and use them to deduce word meanings.

Objective: Assessment on material of last two weeks. Continue with Pluto fabula amoris. Check comprehension with true false questions in Latin.

EQ. Why is it better to read a passage two times before trying to translate?

Test: Chapter 20 and Pluto fabula amoris 1-4

When you finish the test read or review Chapters 4-5 of Pluto fabula amoris.  You may record vocabulary new to you on the reading guide(s) but do not go further than this yet.

Vocabulary 1-5

Whole class direct and guided instruction. Read aloud chapters 4-5

White board activity: True/false (verum/falsum) questions on chapters 4-5.

Work on reading guides.

Study to learn the principal parts of verbs from Pluto fabula amoris. Focus on the first 15.
Tuesday May 07

Objective: practice principal parts of verbs. Comprehension strategies demonstrated and practiced.

EQ. What conflict emerges in Chapter 06?

00 Pluto fabula amoris PRINCIPAL PARTS OF VERBS A
http://www.quia.com/quiz/7262932.html  12 verbs

Whole class direct and guided instruction. Read aloud: Pluto fabula amoris Chapter 6, with Q & A

Independent: complete reading guide for Chapter 6.

Collaborative and independent. Decide in groups who will be responsible for selecting sound track for each chapter. Use teacher as resource for chapters we haven't done yet. Research/think about a song or piece of music that you think would be a good soundtrack for Chapter 6. Write a statement about each choice.

Lactuca game with principal parts.

HOMEWORK: Study to learn the principal parts of verbs from Pluto fabula amoris. Focus on the LAST 15.

Wednesday, May 08

Objective: practice principal parts of verbs. Comprehension strategies demonstrated and practiced with chapter 07.

EQ. How do Roman beliefs about death and the afterlife differ from ours? are similar? What major plot developments occur in Chapter 07?

00 Pluto fabula amoris PRINCIPAL PARTS OF VERBS B

Whole class direct and guided instruction. Read aloud: Pluto fabula amoris Chapter 7, with Q & A

Independent. Complete reading guide for 07

Homework: review vocabulary for Chapters 5-7. Work on music playlist for chapters.
Review vocabulary Set 01
Review vocabulary Set 02


Thursday, May 09
Objectives: assess learning about Roman beliefs about death and the afterlife; and vocabulary for 5-7

EQ. How does your playlist/soundtrack demonstrate an interpretation and comprehension of the text?

Bellwork: Read the whole prompt before starting.
Timed write: Write for 20 minutes in English about each of the main characters in the story: Pluto and Proserpina. Then argue pro or con: is Pluto fabula amoris a sanatized version of a rape story? Pluto, Cerberus and Charon are very different from how they are presented in the traditional myth. Does the desire to create an easily readable version of the story for contemporary high school students justify the revision of the myth?


Whole class direct and guided instruction. Read aloud: Pluto fabula amoris Chapter 8 (conclusion), with Q & A

Check progress on playlists. Teacher can help groups create playlists using Amazon Prime music or groups can choose a different mode of presentation. Groups must have finalized their playlist and a 2-4 sentence justification for their choice of each song for each chapter.

Independent and homework: Reading guide for Chapter 08.

Homework: Review vocabulary for 5-8. Complete playlist assignment. 


Friday, May 10
Objective: students demonstrate learning with quiz and playlists.

EQ. What has been student experience of reading for fluency? Do they think their fluency has improved? Why or why not?

Quiz: True false and vocabulary Chapters 5-8.

Collaborative:  present playlists in groups. Discuss choices.

Independent: Reading guide for Chapter 08. (Due Monday)

Homework: Finish all reading guides. Read in English Edith Hamilton's version of the story of Orpheus and Eurydice.
Direct instruction: PowerPoint on Roman beliefs about death and the after life.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Week of April 29

Monday April 29

NM.CLL.2.2 Understand the meaning of memorized words and phrases in sentences.
NM.CLL.2.3 Generalize short fiction and non-fiction passages about familiar topics in the target language, using context clues (signs, charts, graphs, etc.).
NM.CLL.2.4 Infer conclusions from simple spoken and written passages about familiar topics, using context clues and cognates.
NM.CLL.2.5 Understand language components (stems, prefixes, tones, verb endings, parts of 
speech) that are used in the target language.
NM.CLL.3.3 Use appropriate pronunciation and voice inflection in spoken presentations.
Recognize English cognates in Latin text and use them to deduce word meanings.

Objective: Finish Pyramus and Thisbe story. Assess comprehension. Begin chapter 20 with guided translation. Practice perfect tense. Complex sentences: two different kinds of conjunction.

EQ. What are the endings of the perfect tense in Latin? What is a subordinate clause? How are subordinate clauses formed with the conjunction "dum" (While, as long as).

Bellwork: Study the translation of Pyramus and Thisbe in Quizlet

Then answer the questions in this Quia Quiz  Pyramus et Thisbe Verum/Falsum

When you finish study the vocabulary flashcard in Quizlet for Ecce Romani Chapter 20

Open your textbooks to pages 158-160 and spend two minutes looking at the picture, reading the "In This Chapter" box and
the title of the story, and looking very quickly at the vocabulary list. Then answer the following questions:

a. Who and what are present in the picture, and what are they doing?
b. What more do you need to learn about the perfect tense?
c. What do we mean by the term subordinate clause?
d. Look back at the first paragraph in Chapter 18 and locate four subordinate clauses.
e. Look at the first paragraph of the story in Chapter 20 and find four complementary infinitives,
f. What verbs or verbal phrases do these infinitives complete?
g. Locate an infinitive in line 7.
h. With what verb does it go? Look at the vocabulary entry for line 7.
i. Translate the phrase Licetne nobis... hic cenare?

Audio for Chapter 20

Guided instruction (1-5) Collaborative instruction (6-8)


Exit ticket: Enroll in Free Voluntary Reading "class" in Google Classroom with this code: o2ge4zd. Browse the texts and materials you find here. We will start tomorrow with Pluto Fabula Amoris. 

Quizizz Story and Vocabulary Chapter 20 (20 grammar questions)

Quizizz 20 Ecce Romani - vocab and forms - 12 Questions

Homework: study perfect tense using blog and or these pages from your textbook (165-167). Learn vocabulary for chapter 20.


Tuesday April 30

Objectives: review vocabulary for chapter 20 Ecce and translate using Quizlet. Introduce Pluto fabula amoris and the practice of extensive voluntary and silent reading.

EQ. What are the four principal parts of a verb? Why are they essential to learn? I can recognize perfect verb endings.

20b Ecce Romani Perfect tense practice (10 multiple choice questions)

When you finish study the vocabulary flashcard in Quizlet for Ecce Romani Chapter 20

Direct instruction:
-importance of principal parts: with them you can make or identify any verb's tense
- they give you the stems of verbs in every tense
- Perfect stems often change the present stem by adding "eXtra long SUV: an x a long vowel and S, U or V.
-find principal parts of 50 most frequent/important Latin verbs here (Quizlet)

Direct & Guided instruction: 
Listen to the audio of vocabulary for chapter 20: Audio for Chapter 20 Answer the pre-reading questions in the previous post. Translation of Chapter 20 story using Quizlet.

Quizizz Story and Vocabulary Chapter 20

Quizizz 20 Ecce Romani - vocab and forms - 12 Questions

Direct and guided instruction: the purpose and goals of reading elementary and intermediate Latin novellas.  Less direct focus on grammar coupled with "sheltered" vocabulary encourages reading fluency.    A tour of your choices for independent and/ collaborate reading.

Google Classroom  code: o2ge4zd.

Guided: Chapter 1 Pluto fabula amoris.

Homework: Review translation of  Chapter 20 story using Quizlet.
Quizizz Chapter 20. Multiple choice questions on the text (20)

Wednesday May 1

Objective: Demonstrate how students can comprehend much of a new text without direct translation and/or looking up every word.

EQ. How does the reading guide help with comprehension of a new text? How difficult or easy is the current text?

Read short article about Pluto from vRoma. Download it to your iPad and take notes/annotate.
Review vocabulary for Chapter 1 of Pluto fabula amoris.

Direct instruction: Read aloud Chapter 01, with Q & A while students follow along in their text.  

 Guidance on how to work collaboratively on guides, while each student produces her/his own finished guide. (E.g. vocab guru, verb guru, tech guru - how to draw on iPad, etc; using "Safety Word list to ask and answer simple questions in Latin.)

Collaborative: Read in pairs or small groups Chapter 1. Identify passages to use in completing reading guide.  Use the chart that identifies verbs by tense and the vocabulary list in Quizlet.  Ask me for help if you get stuck. (45-50 minutes)

Exit ticket: reading guide.

Homework: Review vocabulary for Chapters 1 and 2. 


Thursday May 2
Objective: Students improve confidence and comprehension through strategies for fluent reading.

EQ: What are the challenges of reading without direct translation? What strategies do students find help them most?

Review vocabulary for chapter 02
And list of characters in the story

Assess and prepare to respond to and discuss student reading guides for Chapter 01 during bellwork.

Q&A on Chapter 01 reading guides produced by students. 

Instructions for reading guides:
1. Vocabula Nova: Latin with English definitions spelled correctly
2. Picturae: Label everything in Latin. No captions. Your drawing should be expressive enough not to require a caption if labeled. Color is good.
3. Quaestiones: answer with complete and grammatically correct sentences. Develop answers beyond a single sentence when possible. 

Assist students in downloading to their Ipads reading guides for every chapter and the generic reading guide for stories they elect to read independently. Students should also download text so they have access to it without wifi.

Present verbs listed by tense for each chapter.

Listen to audio for chapter 02.

Collaborative; read story aloud in pairs or groups, taking turns.  Work on reading guide for Chapter 02 (make any desired corrections or additions to reading guide 01)

Lactuca: lettuce game

Exit ticket: reading guide 02

Friday May 3

Objective: assess comprehension of words, sentences and story. Review for assessment on Monday.

EQ. Are students able to read a text twice in Latin before trying to translate?  What sorts of strategies help them understand a text without translating every word?

Quiz on first two chapters of Pluto fabula amoris: vocabulary and true/false questions on text (in Latin).
01_02 Pluto fabula amoris (20 questions)
Review most missed answers on this Quizizz setFind answer key here.

Listen to audio for chapter 3. 

Begin reading guide for chapter 3. 

Exit ticket: Quiz on Chapter 3.
03 Chapter Pluto fabula amoris

Homework. Study for test on Monday.
1. Translations of chapters 1-4  of Pluto fabula amoris.
2. Study this quizizz set
3. Study this quizizz set.
4. Review today's Quia quizes

Can students see the answers in Quizizz?

Monday, April 15, 2019

Week of April 15

1st period: Answer Key
2nd period: Answer Key for questions on A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Forum

April 15, Monday


Facillima saepe not sunt optima.
           The easiest things often are not the best.
Difficilia saepe sunt maxima
    The difficult things are often the greatest
Acres duces acriores copias acerrimorum hostiumsaepe laudabant.

    Fierce leaders often used to paise the fiercer forces of the fiercest enemy.
Direct instruction: Comparison of adjectives. (Ppt in Google classroom)  and present particples

Whole class. Guided and collaborative  translation : Latin text of Pyramus and Thisbe

Quizlet live on two sections of vocabulary for Pyramus and Thisbe

Pyramus and Thisbe. Quizlet Live set 01

Pyramus and Thisbe Quizlet Live set 02

Homework: Activity Book 20c and 20d in Google Classroom.

April 16 Tuesday
Bellwork Answers to homework on 20c and 20d

Quizlet live on two sections of vocabulary for Pyramus and Thisbe

Pyramus and Thisbe. Quizlet Live set 01

Pyramus and Thisbe Quizlet Live set 02

Continue translating Pyramus and Thisbe: guided and collaborative

Latin second period: PPT Auricula Meritricula
Latin first period: conjugation practice with beanbags

Exit ticket: how does one form a present participle? Decline: recens, (gen.), recentis (3rd declension)


Wednesday, April 17

Objective: Introduction to Roman comedy

What are the main features of Roman comedy and how does the film "A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum" illustrate these?

Direct instruction: PowerPoint. 

Study the Quizlet set on masks and characters; Use the Powerpoint to complete answers to questions in the film viewing guide.

Thursday, April 18
Objective: Introduction to Roman comedy

What are the main features of Roman comedy and how does the film "A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum" illustrate these?

Finish watching film: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. Answer questions in guide.

Whole class: discussion.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Thursday April 11 Pyramus and Thisbe

Read and annotate Edith Hamilton's Pyramus and Thisbe in Google Classroom

Study vocabulary:
Pyramus and Thisbe Vocabulary Quizlet Part 02

Quizlet live on two sections of vocabulary for Pyramus and Thisbe

Collaborative translation OR make up missing work. 

17 Review Questions on the text

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday April 10

NM.CLL.2.2 Understand the meaning of memorized words and phrases in sentences.
NM.CLL.2.3 Generalize short fiction and non-fiction passages about familiar topics in the target language, using context clues (signs, charts, graphs, etc.).
NM.CLL.2.4 Infer conclusions from simple spoken and written passages about familiar topics, using context clues and cognates.
NM.CLL.2.5 Understand language components (stems, prefixes, tones, verb endings, parts of 
speech) that are used in the target language.
NM.CLL.3.3 Use appropriate pronunciation and voice inflection in spoken presentations.

Study Vocabulary in Quizlet for Pyramus and Thisbe part 01

Collaborative and Guided. Answer grammar and comprehension questios for Prometheus stories

Hercules & his 12 Labors (Google Classroom)

Read the Story of Pyramus and Thisbe in English (Edith Hamilton, Mythology)

Begin translating the story of Pyramus and Thisbe (Latin with vocabulary).

Board race with Prometheus vocabulary.

Exit ticket

Amantes hoc fissum primi viderant (quid amor non sentit?) et iter vocis fecerunt.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tuesday April 09

For first period Latin: Bellwork: Study vocabulary for The Punishment of Prometheus in Quizlet.

Poenae Promethei- the punishments of Prometheus Translation Matching

Punishments of Prometheus - Poenae Promethei Vocabulary

Powerpoint formatted for translation; to be used with Latin text handout.

Collaborative: Answer comprehension questions and grammar questions at the end of the story. 
Grammar questions are here: Poenae Promethei grammar questions Prometheus


Prometheus and Pandora: Prometheus and Pandora - Vocabulary


Presentations on Words from ancient myths.

For second period

Bellwork: Study vocabulary for The Punishment of Prometheus in Quizlet.

Punishments of Prometheus - Poenae Promethei Vocabulary

Powerpoint formatted for translation; to be used with Latin text handout.

Collaborative: Answer comprehension questions and grammar questions at the end of the story. 
Grammar questions are here: Poenae Promethei grammar questions Prometheus

Presentations on Words from ancient myths. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday April 08

02 Latin Week April 8 Lesson Plans


Bellwork: Prometheus & Pandora Quizlet

Study vocabulary for The Punishment of Prometheus in Quizlet.

Quiz on vocabulary for Prometheus and Pandora: Prometheus and Pandora - Vocabulary

Powerpoint formatted for translation; to be used with Latin text handout.

Show how you have developed your project on Words from Ancient Myths.

First two presentations.

Exit Ticket: Quiz on TedEd videos on Prometheus and Pandora: http://www.quia.com/quiz/7228886.htmTedEd Prometheusl

Sunday, March 31, 2019

April 1-5 Week Prometheus

NM.CLL.2.2 Understand the meaning of memorized words and phrases in sentences.
NM.CLL.2.3 Generalize short fiction and non-fiction passages about familiar topics in the target language, using context clues (signs, charts, graphs, etc.).
NM.CLL.2.4 Infer conclusions from simple spoken and written passages about familiar topics, using context clues and cognates.
NM.CLL.2.5 Understand language components (stems, prefixes, tones, verb endings, parts of 
speech) that are used in the target language.
NM.CLL.3.3 Use appropriate pronunciation and voice inflection in spoken presentations.

Objective: Become comfortable translating a new text when it is scaffolded with vocabulary and grammar information. 

EQ: What do the stories we read this week tell us about how ancients envisioned the relationship between humans and gods?

Bellwork. Read this:
This week we will be doing two myths of Prometheus. You will be guided by two PowerPoints that require translation skills, provide vocabulary, note derivatives, show images and include activities practicing the perfect tense.  Uses of the ablative case will also be a focus.

Story 01. Prometheus: Inventor and Benefactor; Pandora.

The origin of human beings has been a source of speculation in all cultures. In ancient Greece and Rome there were several co-existing explanations.  In some, earth herself created humans; in others, humans were created by the gods.  In Ovid we find an amalgamation of these two: the Titan Prometheus molded humans from earth, which still retained celestial seeds and thus animated the new creature. 

Prometheus, whose name means "fore-thought," knew the outcome of the battle between the Olympian gods and the Titans. Therefore, with his brother Epimetheus (after-thought) he fought on the side of the Olympians. 

In many versions Prometheus was then entrusted with the task of creating humans. Soon, however, Jupiter was displeased with this creation and wanted to destroy it.  Prometheus pitied his creation and though his many gifts became the greatest benefactor of humans. His gifts, however, came at a cost both to himself and humans.  These costs will be examined in the two stories we will read this week.

The first story follows the Ovidian version of human creation. The sources for the second story are the poet Hesiod and the tragic poet Aeschylus.

Preface to story 02 "Prometheus Punished."

Although Prometheus had helped Jupiter to achieve power, Jupiter bitterly resented Prometheus' theft of fire and the other benefits  he bestowed on humankind.  Prometheus' independent actions were  a threat to Jupiter and he wanted to punish him. 

Jupiter decided to imprison Prometheus as far from humanity as possible and to make him suffer for all time. Story 02 describes the torments Prometheus suffered and how he was ultimately released.

Tuesday April 2
Study the vocabulary for Prometheus and Pandora in Quizlet. You may do this alone or with a partner.
If you haven't joined Quizlet yet do so with this code so I can give you credit for practicing with Quizlet:  https://quizlet.com/join/XssajReJd

Direct Instruction: TedEd 5 minute video on Pandora

Guided  and Collaborative Instruction: Continue translating Prometheus and Pandora with PowerPoint

Quiz on TedEd videos on Prometheus and Pandora

Draw and label a picture of the evils escaping the box/urn. quizlet list of evils

Optional: Quizlet Live Prometheus and Pandora.


Quizlet Live part 01
Quizlet Live part 02

TedEd 5 minute video on Prometheus

TedEd 5 minute video on Pandora

Google classroom:
First period Latin II
Second period Latin II

Latin version of Kiss the Girl
Verba Carminis / Latin Lyrics Ēn vidētur ibi sedet intuēns eaque minus loquēns aliquid vērō habētur  neque scīs quā rē sed avēs nunc eī dare — bāsia sīc eam vīs ita, Venus illaque est fierī etenim potest ea quam tū ipse sentīs  opus nūlla verba uti dēs illī age, eam — bāsiā! sha la la la la la heū, vae! neque putō huic pulchrae dederit bāsia sha la la la la la at hoc cor neque prō dolor erit amāsia καιρός ἐστιν canere suprā lacum puer mī, jam agedum melius tempus quandō? nec ēnūniat, nihil ūllī quidem ita eī bāsiā sha la la la la la parā tē et audītŏ mē age eam — bāsiā sha la la la la la sciat tunc facit quem nunc amor est — bāsiā sha la la la la la natētis rīdeātis et eō — bāsiā! sha la la la la la canāmus canitō, Venus! prŏ dea — bāsiā! dēbēs...bāsiā dīcō tibī...bāsiā ναὶ μα τὸν Δία ...bāsiā agedum! ...bāsiā