Monday, May 20, 2019

Week of May 20

NM.CLL.2.2 Understand the meaning of memorized words and phrases in sentences.
NM.CLL.2.3 Generalize short fiction and non-fiction passages about familiar topics in the target language, using context clues (signs, charts, graphs, etc.).
NM.CLL.2.4 Infer conclusions from simple spoken and written passages about familiar topics, using context clues and cognates.
NM.CLL.2.5 Understand language components (stems, prefixes, tones, verb endings, parts of 
speech) that are used in the target language.
NM.CLL.3.3 Use appropriate pronunciation and voice inflection in spoken presentations.
Recognize English cognates in Latin text and use them to deduce word meanings.
Monday May 20

Objective: Continue reading and completing reading guides for Eurydice fabula amoris, focusing on verb forms.

EQ: What are the endings of imperfect verbs?

Verb chart: conjugating the perfect tense

Students declare what text is going to be their independent reading text. Check reading guides for Eurydice fabula amoris.  First period: 1-4; second period 1-3.

Vocabulary: First period vocabulary for Chapters 5-6 Eurydice; second period Chapters 3-4 Eurydice.

Whole class: Read aloud with Q & A. First period Chapter 5; second period Chapter 4.

These are long chapters. Pause midway to allow students to begin reading guide (10 minutes) 

Independent: reading guides.

Exit ticket: declensions of quaerens, quarentis (seeking) and  faciens, facientis (making or doing) . Decline the participles quaerens, quaerentis and faciens, facientis.  Participles are declined as 3rd declension adjectives. They can function in a sentence as either adjectives or nouns (substantives) Copy correct forms into notebooks.


faciens         facientes       facientia
facientis       facientium
facienti        facientibus
facientem    facientes         facientia
faciente/i        facientibus

Note: the ablative singular has an -e if it is a noun; an -i if it is an adjective

Homework: Study ocabulary in Quizlet 3-4 Eurydice and Chapters 5-6 Eurydice.  Read and complete a reading guide for one of your elective texts.

May 21 Tuesday

Objective: Continue reading and completing reading guides for Eurydice fabula amoris, focusing on verb forms.

EQ: How do you find the stem of perfect verbs and what endings do you add to them?

01-04 Vocabulary Eurydice fabula amoris

Whole class: Read aloud with Q & A. First period Chapter 6; second period Chapter 5.

These are long chapters. Pause midway to allow students to begin reading guide (10 minutes) 

Independent: reading guides.

Exit ticket: Draw a picture or two that illustrates this scene; or you may translate it: 
in terram spectavi et unum amicum vidi. serpentem parvum vidi. serpentem vidi et arisi (I smiled) sed serpentem terrui. serpens me momordit (bit) in terram cecidi.

Homework: Study vocabulary in Quizlet: Chapters 5-6 Eurydice. Study the irregular verbs sum and eo:
Quizlet set on eo, ire "to go"

Quizlet set on sum, esse "to be"

Wednesday May 22

Objective: Review irregular verbs sum, esse, fui and eo, ire, ii or ivi, itus. Continue with Eurydice fabula amoris.

EQ: Can you identify all irregular verbs in today's reading?

Bellwork for Latin II first period
Review for five minutes vocabulary for chapter 05 and 06
Take quiz: 05-06 Vocabulary Euridice fabula amoris
Bellwork for Latin II 2nd period:
Review Quizlet sets:
Quizlet set on eo, ire "to go"
Quizlet set on sum, esse "to be"

Then take this quiz in Quia
Irregular verbs sum and eo

Whole class: Read aloud with Q & A. First period Chapter 7; second period Chapter 6.

These are long chapters. Pause midway to allow students to begin reading guide (10 minutes) 

Independent: reading guides. List perfect tense verbs on backside of reading guide.

Exit ticket: show three completed reading guides. Check identification of perfect tense verbs.

Homework: study vocabulary for Eurydice 07-08
Thursday May 23
No students due to awards ceremony
-------------------------------------- Friday May 24

Objective: Build reading fluency and practice irregular verb conjugations

EQ.  Are you attending carefully to the grammar of your Latin sentences on the reading guides? Example: If a character says "volo" (I want) you need to change the verb in your sentence to"vult" (s/he wants). 

Latin II First Period; Study vocabulary for Chapters 07-08 in Quizlet. (8 minutes).  Review with students new constructions.

Latin II Second period
Bellwork for Latin II 2nd period:
Review Quizlet sets:
Quizlet set on eo, ire "to go"
Quizlet set on sum, esse "to be"

Then take this quiz in Quia
Irregular verbs sum and eo

Whole class: Read aloud with Q & A. First period Chapter 7; second period Chapter 6.

These are long chapters. Pause midway to allow students to begin reading guide (10 minutes) 

Independent: reading guides. List perfect tense verbs on backside of reading guide.

Latin II First period: quiz on vocabulary 07-08 (paper handout)

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